California Estate Planning Blog

Back-to-School is the Perfect Time to Name a Temporary Guardian

Written by Kathryn Taps | Aug 7, 2019 9:43:58 PM

It’s hard to believe, but most California kids will be heading back to school in the next few weeks. Very few California public schools stick to the traditional post-Labor Day start dates. 

Back-to-School typically means shopping for school supplies, stocking up on packed-lunch ingredients, and re-organizing work and childcare schedules.  With all that planning in mind, it’s a great moment to nominate a temporary guardian for your children, who could take care of them in a family emergency.  Below are some helpful resources to get you ready for Back-to-School.

Who has the best deals on school supplies?

Good Housekeeping has put together a great list of advertised Back-to-School deals on things like backpacks, computers and fall clothing, to make quick work of your shopping list. 

What should I pack in my kids’ lunches? 

My boys have had bento-box style lunch boxes for the past several years, and they seem to work well with kids’ unpredictable taste buds.  I have often used this article “125 Healthy Lunchboxes for Kids” when my morning brain runs out of ideas. 

How can I keep my family’s schedule straight? 

Our family activities are logged on a Google Calendar, which is shared between myself, my husband and our babysitter.  HGTV has made a list of their favorite apps to help organize your family schedule as well.

What is a temporary guardian? 

During the school year, if not all year round, our children may be out of our sight for a large part of the day.  If something were to happen to you while your children were in someone else’s care, a legally nominated temporary guardian could take immediate custody and comfort them in a confusing and scary time. 

If you have an estate plan, you may have already named permanent guardians for your minor children.   If so, I congratulate you on creating an incredibly important safeguard for your family.  However, if that permanent guardian is not local, Child Protective Services would likely have to step in and take your children until he or she can arrive.  Nominating a temporary guardian resolves that problem and ensures that your kids would only be surrounded by familiar, friendly faces.

Naming a temporary guardian is one part of a comprehensive Guardian+ Plan, a complimentary addition to all LifeLadder Estate Plan packages.  To find out more, download our Legal Guardian Nomination Guide below.